Cases study

Dust abatement in the wood industry

With a water spray system we solved the problem of dust emission in a company that produces wood panels

Field of activity

Wood processing


Production of pressed wood panels for furniture and floors


Central Italy

Emission criticality

Dust emission during the production process

Service supplied by Labiotest

New system design and installation

Type of action

Design and installation of a nebulization dust abatement system

In woodworking companies, dust abatement is a crucial problem. 

First of all, wood dust may represent a serious threat to workers' health, as inhaling fine wood particles may cause a variety of respiratory problems. Furthermore, they can represent a fire and explosion risk if present in high concentrations in the air and if there is a possible source of ignition. 

Secondly, dust abatement also helps to preserve the surrounding environment. Airborne wood particles can settle on soil and water, causing environmental contamination that can damage local ecosystems and affect air quality. 

This is why it is essential to implement effective systems for their abatement, as for example in the case of one of our clients producing wood panels.

Abatement requirements in the production of wood panels

Our client’s company, located in Central Italy, is one of the most important producers of pressed wood panels in Europe.

The company was facing a significant problem regarding the treatment of dust emissions that originate inside two sheds where to produce pressed wood panels for the furniture industry.

Spray abatement system used

We proposed to the client to install a spraying system with fixed lines in order to cover the two affected areas with a micronized jet of water, in order to create an environment that forces dust to absorb water through a hygroscopic action.

The resulting higher weight of dust makes it fall almost immediately to the ground due to gravity, avoiding air dispersion in the environment. 

We have therefore planned the preparation of lines including nozzles having a shorter center-to-center distance near the belts and the machinery (in area A and area B), and a longer center-to-center distance in area C used for handling:

  • Area A: lines positioned centrally and fixed under the three belts for a total of approximately 300 m of line and 300 spraying nozzles; 
  • Area B: two equally spaced lines fixed under the roof with nozzles directed alternately at 120 degrees to each other thus covering the entire area for a total of approximately 200 m of line and 60 spraying nozzles;
  • Area C: lines positioned on the perimeter of the door with nozzles directed inwards to prevent dust from escaping for a total of approximately 100 m of line and 24 nozzles.

Obtained results

Through a combination of dust abatement systems and a synergistic approach, the company has managed to improve the work environment and reduce dust emissions by over 50%.

If you want to know more about how to reduce dust emissions with water mist barrier technology, read this in-depth article.